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Udder health during the dry period


The dry period is a critical stage in maintaining udder health and preparing your cow for a productive lactation cycle. It is also the time when they are at the greatest risk of developing new intramammary infections – especially just after dry off and prior to freshening.


2-3 Weeks After Dry Off

In most cases, cows have been milking for more than 300 days when the dry off period begins. At this point they begin to form a natural barrier (the keratin plug) to seal the teat end and protect the udder from infections. The problem is that the development of this barrier can be delayed by several days, or in some cases, does not form at all. This exposes the teat end to harmful bacteria that increases mastitis risk.


2-3 Weeks Prior to Calving

The calving process is obviously a physically demanding period for dairy cows. During this process their immune system is weakened, and they are much more susceptible to mastitis.


Don’t Take a Chance on Udder Health

Internal teat sealants provide an immediate barrier of protection that lasts throughout the dry period to prevent mastitis infections in the udder. Regardless of your current dry cow protocol, internal teat sealants are research proven to reduce the risk of mastitis in your herd.1

If you have been thinking of adding an internal teat sealant to your dry cow protocol, talk to your veterinarian about Lockout®.


1. Dufour S, et al. Anim Health Res Rev. 2019;20(1):86-97.

Lockout® is a registered trademark of Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH, used under license. All other marks are property of their respective owners.

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