A foundation of protection
Vaccinating your cows and heifers with Express® FP vaccines provides an excellent foundation of protection from the potentially devastating impact of bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) as well as other reproductive and respiratory diseases. When you choose the Express® FP vaccine family1 for your herd, you can rest assured knowing your calves are guaranteed not to be persistently infected with BVD2, or Boehringer Ingelheim will pay fair market value, plus the cost of testing.
Our guarantee
Calves from cows vaccinated with Express® FP vaccines are guaranteed for life to be free of BVD Persistent Infection or Boehringer Ingelheim will pay fair market value, plus the cost of testing.
The Express Verified® Program
The Express Verified® program allows cow-calf farmers and ranchers to differentiate their calves and can help feedlots reduce disease risk when buying Express Verified® calves. Calves from Express® FP vaccinated cows offer proven performance in the feedlot3.
Benefits for cow-calf producers:
- Prevent the risk of a BVD PI calf in your own herd.
- Sell calves with PROVEN health benefits.
- Differentiate your calves at sale time.
Benefits for feedlots:
- Fewer first pulls and reduced overall BRD death loss3 means fewer deaths, less antibiotic use and overall healthier calves.
- Same risk of BRD mortality regardless if you’re buying high or low-risk calves.
- Fair market compensation for any Express Verified calves found to be BVD PI.
Express® FP vaccines’ proven results include:
- 35% lower first pull rates3
- 32% reduction in overall death loss3
- 86% reduction in BRD mortality3
Related news and resources
1. Express® FP5, Express® FP5 /Somnugen, Express® FP5 VL5 and Express® FP10.
2. If you find a BVD PI calf from a cow or heifer that was vaccinated with any of our Express® FP products according to label directions, Boehringer Ingelheim will pay the fair market value in cash, plus the cost of testing.
3. Perrett et al. A retrospective analysis of feedlot morbidity and mortality outcomes in calves born to dams with known viral vaccination history. Canadian Veterinarian Journal 2018; 59:779-782
Express® and Express Verified® are registered trademarks of Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH, used under license. All other marks are property of their respective owners.